Conservation a priority for hunters and anglers

Fall fishingResults of a new poll that shows sportsmen prioritize protecting public lands — with support even as strong as that for gun rights — really came as no surprise to Ken Theis.

“There is an awareness creeping into the ultraconservative community that has been supporting gun rights forever as they realize that if they don’t start looking at the environmental conditions of habitat that the only reason to have firearms is for self-protection,” said Theis, Utah coordinator for Backcountry Hunters and Anglers.

“We have destroyed a lot of habitat and hunting and fishing opportunities are diminishing as a result. It is encouraging to see an attitude that habitat matters.”

The National Wildlife Federation last week released a national public opinion poll of 800 hunters and anglers that illustrates sportsmens’ attitudes about public lands, conservation, global warming and habitat restitution for environmental disasters. Read more….
