12-Year-Old Girl Shoots 170-Class Buck

12 Year Old Girl Shoots 170 Class BuckGEORGIA OUTDOOR NEWS REPORTS: A giant 21-point buck that should gross in the 170-inch range hit the dirt on Sunday, Oct. 27 in Morgan County. The buck, known as “Daggers,” was taken by 12-year-old Grace Britt, of Grayson, while she hunted with her dad Dwayne. Dwayne, a GON Hunt Advisor, describes the hunt as very emotional. At one point, there were two big bucks within range, and a 30-30 rifle was being passed back and forth between father and daughter. Dwayne would only grab the gun because it looked like the bucks were fixing to leave, and Grace would have no shot.

“My daughter told me she would have been excited and happy if I had killed him, but she was very happy to take him,” said Dwayne. “If you are wondering what it feels like for your kid to kill a bigger buck than you, try it, it’s amazing. I’ll cherish this experience for the rest of my life.”

Dwayne is a GON subscriber, so Grace’s giant buck will be entered in Truck-Buck and GON’s Youth Big-Buck Contest. The non-typical buck has six scoreable points on the left and 15 on the right, which includes a third main beam that measures about 17 inches.

“The emotions of handing the gun to my 12-year-old daughter and watching these bucks appear and disappear was almost too much for my heart,” said Dwayne.

This exciting, emotional hunt story between father and daughter will be told in Hunter’s Journal in the December issue of GON.



