Visitors being reminded to keep safe distance after deer cornered in Banff

Visitors being reminded to keep safe distance after deer cornered in Banff 2Reported 1st by the Calgary Herald – It weighs more than 200 pounds, sports sharp, pointy antlers, and can bolt at a moment’s notice — but that didn’t stop a group of people from cornering a mule deer in the town of Banff on Friday. About six people were seen getting close to the animal near the Silver Dragon Chinese Restaurant on Spray Avenue in the mountain town, holding a camera while standing just steps away from the large ungulate.

 Visitors being reminded to keep safe distance after deer cornered in Banff 1

No one from Banff National Park returned calls or emails for comment on the weekend.

Tyler McClure, education outreach co-ordinator with Bow Valley WildSmart, said this is a situation that could have ended badly and is reminding people not to approach wildlife in the area.

“They’re big giant animals with big giant antlers,” McClure said Saturday. “They could do a lot of damage.”

The deer in Banff, often spotted along Banff Avenue amid traffic and visitors, are used to having people around and usually move through the townsite nonchalantly, he said.

As a result, some people believe the animals are tame and go near them without hesitation, McClure said, adding: “They think they’re like animals in a petting zoo.”

“But they can spontaneously run into the middle of the road,” he continued. “They are unpredictable, they are wild. They have the potential to hurt us and we have the potential to hurt them.”

Just a month ago, two wolves chased and killed a deer in the middle of the townsite, prompting parks officials to remind residents and visitors to take proper precautions throughout the year.

“You never know when you’re going to encounter wildlife,” McClure said. “The best thing is to avoid it.” Continue reading –
