YOLOtek, A New Camera System

YOLOtek, A New Camera SystemI have written many, many times about products that came from an idea generated on a fishing boat. They always have the same tagline, “Necessity is the mother of invention.” Well, here we go again.

I was astonished by the product the first time I saw it. Simple, inexpensive and it solved one hell of a problem. I was telling people about it before I actually saw the real thing. Everyone had the same response. It went something like, “I have to have one.” I am talking about products that plug into the navigation socket on any boat, charges your cell phone and provides continuous power to action cameras.

A couple of weeks later, I was walking the isles at ICAST 2015, and there it was. I stopped and overheard the show pitch from Tyler Mahonney. “We power adventures for people that love the outdoors by providing innovated products from USB boat chargers, to power GoPro sticks for boats, to saltwater camera mounts. We help make and capture once in a lifetime memories.” Continue reading – http://www.examiner.com/article/yolotek-products-aimed-at-powering-outdoor-adventures
