Yamaha Outdoors Tips – Early Birds

yamaha revs your heart logoIt is said that, “The early bird gets the worm,” but the early hunter doesn’t always get the bird. Being the first one to call a bird on opening day does have it’s advantages, but early-season birds can be tough. If spring is late in coming they may still be in larger winter groups,

and older gobblers are usually henned up and tough to entice. Here are a few tips for opening the season with a bang.

1) Scout – It should go without saying but pre-season scouting can be a huge asset. Locate roost sites and study which way the birds leave for several successive mornings. You may not be able to call them in, but if you’re already where they want to go, you won’t have to call at all. Just wait them out.

2) Don’t Be Picky – Those old limbhangers likely already have a harem and won’t listen to even your most seductive calling. However, two year old satellite toms may be much more eager to sneak in a little side action. They also help build your confidence and take some of the pressure off. Knock down a couple to take the edge off then save your last tag for a trophy tom.

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3) Be Patient – This is one time when being late may actually work in your favor. Fresh off the roost, the birds are often grouped up and busy with their morning ritual. Later in the morning those groups break up and birds are sometimes easier to call and decoy. Set up in a likely area, call seldom and sparingly and wait them out.

Hopefully these tips will help but if they don’t, you still have the rest of the season ahead of you.
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