White Water Rafter & LoopRope

LoopRopeI’ve been leading whitewater rafting trips for years and have frequently had to deal with tough river conditions during the day and the demands of the people on my trips at night. I love the job, but it can be challenging at times. I need my gear to perform, and am always looking for ways to economize, as taking more things that I need is a major inconvenience. Whenever possible, I like to use multi-purpose tools. They aren’t easy to find because I can’t afford to have things that don’t perform each of their functions well, as opposed to doing a few things well and others barely adequately. Tourists expect the best, and making good money from tips, as I do, I have to ensure that everything runs smoothly.

Another guide recently suggested that I use the loop rope for many of the things I need to do, from securing rafts to hanging clothes for drying. I was suspect at first since a lot of products seem to have great promise but ultimately fail in one way or another. That’s why I decided to bring the bungee cords, rope, and a few other things along with the loop rope for it’s first use.

I started using it for simple functions that wouldn’t be too much trouble if it failed. For starters, I rigged it up to hang some clothes to dry. The loops were extremely convenient for this purpose, it held a surprising number of soaked clothes and was really convenient for using nature as my hanging posts. This led right into other uses around the campsite like hanging pots and pans and really made a noticeable difference in streamlining the functionality of the campsite.  Read more….
