Wac’Em Archery Products Are On The Move

Wac'Em Archery Products LOGOWac’Em Archery Products LLC is pleased to announce it is now shipping all products. Wac’Em is now offering a four pack of heads with a free decal in every pack for just $37.99. All Wac’Em Archery Products will feature a new logo and packaging.

Wac’Em broadheads are built using only brass and steel components — no aluminum, plastic collars or rubber O-rings. Thanks to this solid and durable construction, Wac’Em broadheads live up to the Wac’Em motto, “The sharpest, toughest, most-accurate broadhead ever!”

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This motto will be on every package as not only a statement, but a commitment to fellow bowhunters who purchase this product.

“After years in the industry, we’ve learned what the dealers, distributors and major retailers need to be successful,” David Langston, vice president of Wac’Em Archery Products, said. “Most importantly, we are good ol’ redneck bowhunters who understand what’s cool to hunters. After all, how many of us have used the phrase ‘whack ’em’ or ‘whack ’em and stack ’em’ over the years? We also know that hunters not only expect the best from themselves, but from the products they use, and Wac’Em broadheads do not disappoint.”

For more information, visit www.wacemarchery.com , email David Langston at David@Wacemarchery.com or call 256-502-9770.
