Two Common Chores for Diesel Boat Owners

BoatUSThey are the lasting workhorse of many a cruising or sailing vessel, the inboard diesel engine. Some say they have a reputation for being finicky while others swear by their never-ending reliability. Either side you choose, there are two common chores that the owners of diesel engine boats need to be able to easily perform. Changing a diesel fuel filter and bleeding the fuel line of air are topics shown in two new helpful “how-to” videos by BoatUS Magazine. They can be found at:

How to Change a Fuel Filter on a Marine Diesel:

How to Bleed a Marine Diesel Engine:

“Bleeding a diesel engine of air is a misunderstood ‘black art’,” said BoatUS Magazine Associate Editor Mark Corke, “But it’s very easy to learn when we show you how to do it.” The videos are part of the magazine’s Practical Boater series that offers skills building, techniques and best practices to get the most out of boating.


About Boat Owners Association of The United States (BoatUS):

BoatUS is the nation’s largest organization of recreational boaters with over a half million members. We are the boat owners’ voice on Capitol Hill and fight for their rights. We help ensure a roadside breakdown doesn’t end a boating or fishing trip before it begins, and on the water, we bring boaters safely back to the launch ramp or dock when their boat won’t, day or night. The BoatUS Insurance Program gives boat owners the specialized coverage and superior service they need, and we help keep boaters safe and our waters clean with assistance from the non-profit BoatUS Foundation for Boating Safety and Clean Water. Visit
