Two Casts: “From Winnie, With Wives” and ” Brian Smith: The Up-and-Coming Comeback Kid”

Gathered around a cabin dining room table on the shores of Minnesota’s Lake Winnibigoshish, Wayne and Chuck welcome their wives to the podcast to share what it takes to make marriage to a fish bum work, tips and tricks for planning a co-ed fishing weekend and why you should be as transparent with your fishing buddy as you are with your wife. 

For updates and more information, check out The Fish Bum Podcast on Facebook and Instagram.  #live2fish

After recapping their Lake Winnibigoshish trip and lamenting both the Minnesota winter and an under-whelming ice fishing season, Wayne and Chuck welcome aspiring bass pro Brian Smith to the podcast to get their minds right for the upcoming bass season and discuss the ins and outs of becoming a professional bass fisherman. 

Wayne, Chuck and Brian discuss come-from-behind bass fishing, becoming a pro, bass fishing practice, tournament stories, sponsorships, baits of confidence, bass clues, and turning Chuck into the bass fishing partner of Wayne’s dreams.  

As always, thank you for listening, and follow The Fish Bum Podcast on Facebook and Instagram to stay up to date on the podcast. #live2fish


