Tips For Spring Weather Fishing

Donald Gasaway BlogSpring can be the best and the worst of times for the fisherman.  The fish are active and so is the weather. It seems that spring is just one front after another.  Some contain severe weather conditions which require anyone outdoors to seek shelter immediately.  But, the angler with his eye to the sky can enjoy some of the best fishing of the year.

In dealing with the weather it is best to error on the side of caution.  Watch local weather bulletins and look for significant changes is weather patterns.  Keep in mind that some thunderstorms create microbursts, intensive downdrafts over an area up to 3 miles wide.  They can produce gusts of wind of 60 to 100 mph.  Winds over 35 mph can swamp can capsize small boats.

Any sign of lightning storms should alert the angler to seek safe harbor.  Look for a building with a sturdy frame and stay there for the duration of the storm.  If caught in open water, get a low as possible and do not hold on to any fishing rods.

Once the weather appears to clear, be sure to scan the horizon for any signs of severe weather, such as lightning strikes. Of dark clouds which could yield further weather problems.

Once the weather has passed or if none is visible in the area, then it is time to fish.  A good place to begin is on any wind-blown shoreline. Continue read….


