Timber Stand Improvement

When it comes to trees, sometimes quality over quanity is the way to go.   When it comes to managing a forest for wildlife, there are times when it is better to have fewer quality trees than a larger quantity of not-so-great trees.  Just think of how quickly weeds can take over a garden. It is much the same in a forest. Vegetation aggressively occupies any available growing space, so the only way to alter the forest, or control its composition, is by killing undesirable trees and vegetation.

As paradoxical as it may seem, the primary way to improve forested wildlife habitat is to carefully destroy certain parts of it. This “weeding” process as applied to mature stands of trees is known as Timber Stand Improvement. Here’s how you can apply TSI to your hunting ground to maximize its potential for wildlife.

Hunt Club TSI

Some of the best hunting spots house their fair share of mature oak trees or mast trees that are great food sources for wildlife. You can further enhance the quality of these beneficial trees by using TSI to reduce the amount of woody underbrush. Less desirable species, such as sweetgum, elm, cherry and cedar, compete with the mast trees for water and nurtrients. So less competition means more resources, and better, more dependable mast production.  In small areas (an acre or less), remove smaller trees and shrubs using bush axes, loppers, chain saws and a lot of elbow grease. Use a hand or backpack sprayer to apply herbicide to the cut stumps to limit resprouts, which can be a problem with hardwoods.  Continue reading more….  Article source Turkey Country
