The New “Polar Fire Xtreme” Deluxe Rod Combo Cases

Polar Fire Xtreme Deluxe Rod Combo Cases 2POLAR FIRE premium ice tackle is engineered to provide the highest level of performance, and the new 43” POLAR FIRE XTREME deluxe ice rod case is something no serious ice angler will want to overlook.  The POLAR FIRE XTREME deluxe ice rod cases feature durable denier shells and cushioned reel pouches to protect your reels from even the roughest ride on the ice, while the inside hard tube lining provides the ultimate protection for your rods, guides and rod tips. The 3.5” diameter tubes easily accommodate two combos, and two outside zippered accessory storage pouches are great for neatly packing away extra spools of line, tools or lure boxes. A removable, adjustable shoulder strap allows for hands free transport, and best of all, POLAR FIRE XTREME deluxe rod cases are also made 43” long to accommodate longer rods up to 42”! They’re great for protecting your combos during off-season storage, too. For more information, write: HT Enterprises, Inc., P.O. Box 909, Campbellsport, WI, 53010.

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