Ted Nugent testifies before Texas House

Ted Nugent uses his rock-star status to sway state representatives against a bill regarding deer breeding in Texas. He needs no introduction, but Wednesday he was a different Ted Nugent than some of us are accustomed to… Ted Nugent, McClennan County resident and hunter. “I hunt and fish and trap 320 days a year then the rest of the year I rock and roll like a complete idiot,” Nugent laughingly said.

He testified before the house committee on culture, recreation and tourism against House Bill 2433. HB 2433: http://www.legis.state.tx.us/BillLookup/Text.aspx?LegSess=83R&Bill=HB2433 The bill would increase the time that breeder deer would have to integrate into the wild before they could be hunted. Right now the time period is ten days. Bill author John Davis wants to slowly increase that to 60 days.

“Hell, they can’t even find where the bathroom is,” Davis said.

Those in support of the bill say deer need time to re-acclimate to the wild and it would preserve fair chase. Read more and see video….
