Taking A Break

Dana on hare hunt 1For over 30 years I have been writing pretty much non-stop for a variety of publications.  In each and every article I have tried to be as honest as I can, to stick to the facts and to give you, the reader, the best.  I have actually taken pride in giving you true journalistic articles, pieces that make you think as opposed to product hawking pieces.  I have never been sponsored or owned by any manufacturer and never will be.  This has given me the ability to write honestly.

    About a week ago a good friend of mine, and reader of ODU, called me an activist, a patriot and a naturalist.  Though I know he meant these words in the best light, I have come to realize that some of the things I have been writing about may be a bit over the top.  I have let me own views, some of which tend to be strong, outweigh being a journalist and for that I apologize.

    I feel strongly about our environment and our heritage.  I feel strongly about fair play and after nearly 12 years of military service my patriotism should never be a question.  I’m proud of being part of the 1% who defends the remaining 99% in this country, and unlike most of our leaders, I was not afraid to give my life if I had to, to defend this country.  I will always stand up for what is right, whether that means standing up to an unethical hunter or to the President of the United States.  I won’t back down, but I also won’t turn the pages of ODU into my own platform.  ODU is a great publication and topics should be kept to hunting, fishing and the great outdoors.  I apologize if I have over stepped this boundary.

    With all of this said, I’ve decided to take a break from writing.  I want nothing more than to fish for trout in Vermont, have a beer at Smokin’ Tuna in Key West or fish for snook in Naples without the need for an article hanging over my head like the sword of Damocles.  I want to spend time with my friends and family without having to write an article about it, unless I really want to.  The key terms being “have” and “want”.

    Bill has some of my pieces already in hand and there will probably be more; eventually.  For right now I need to take a break and re-group.  I hope you all understand.

