Take Action for the Ducks!

Ducks Unlimited LogoWith your help, House Ways & Means Committee members successfully reported H.R. 2807, making tax incentives for conservation easements permanent, out of committee at the end of May. The full House of Representatives is scheduled to vote on the bill as part of a charitable incentives package this week. Help make sure these tax incentives are made permanent by asking your representatives to vote yes on the charitable incentives package which includes H.R. 2807.

Conservation easements allow landowners to continue working key agricultural lands while preventing them from being lost to development. Our hope is that these permanent tax incentives will allow more private landowners (including the ones with lower annual incomes) to protect habitat essential to the future of wildlife.

Please call your representatives at (202) 225-3121 or email them today to help ensure enhanced tax incentives for private landowners entering conservation easements on their property are made a permanent provision of the U.S. tax code.

Thanks for all you do to help support habitat conservation.


Dale Hall
Ducks Unlimited
Chief Executive Officer


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