Tailin’ Toads Fishing Gloves Offer Sun Protection

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERATailin’ Toads Fishing Gloves are designed for comfort, utility and most importantly, sun protection. Like so many other innovative products, this one has a story behind it, a story of love, devotion and healing. Following the loss of her mother, Pam Stanley, a world-renowned watercolor artist, Manny Altman was in search of a new direction in life. The year was 2012. “My loss was tragic,” says Manny. “I needed to find an outlet to grieve.”

Manny grew up in Corpus Christi, Texas crabbing and fishing the beach on Padre Island from age 3. “I have always been an angler at heart. As I aged, my passion for fishing grew with me. I did not use sun protection as a child or teen, since it was ‘cool’ to be as tan as one could get.”

Like many anglers, Manny and her competitive fishing partner and husband Chandler, discovered that sun protection was not a choice, but a necessity. “Chandler and I get skin checks once a year, and have had many biopsies done in the last few years. We feel that by taking care of ourselves and protecting our skin, we will be able to spend plenty of time with each other, doing what we love.



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