Snakehead: World Record ?

Caleb Newton SnakeheadA Fredericksburg fisherman is holding out hope that his weekend catch may have broken the world record for biggest Northern Snakehead fish. Caleb Newton and Phil Wilcox went fishing Saturday morning on Aquia Creek in Stafford, Va. when Newton reeled in the 17.6-pound fish. While Newton held the rod, he insisted if it wasn’t for Wilcox, he wouldn’t have been able to bring the massive fish onboard their boat.

“Without a doubt, this fish wouldn’t have been landed if Phil wasn’t there to get it into the net,” Newton said.

Wilcox added, “I’m just as happy for him as if I would have caught it.”

It’s only fitting these good friends – and fishing buddies – shared the catch of a lifetime. The two grew up together.

At first, they didn’t think their catch was anything special. In fact, it almost ended up on someone’s dinner table. Read more….
