Snakehead fishing on the Potomac

Snakehead fishing on the PotomacGood morning and welcome to Snakehead Fishing Boot Camp! I’m your first mate, Hurricalfe, a man with virtually no nautical experience and an irrational fear of Potomac River sharks. Your captain today will be Steve Chaconas of the National Bass Guide Service, SEOPA / MDOWA, a death-dealing Ahab to local snakeheads with more than 100 Channa argus pelts in his trophy case. Say hello, Chaconas!

The captain says that 10 percent of the folks that pay for his guiding services choose to hunt snakeheads exclusively. (Photo gallery.) Congratulations: You are in that lucky 10 percent. But before we get started, I just want to make sure we all have our head in the right place. Read more of this 2011 article….




