Point-Obsessed Hunters

Nicole McClainIf my son or daughter refuses to eat the meat he or she harvests, it is my bold opinion that they will not be allowed to hunt. That’s right. If you’re not going to respect the animal by harvesting it over the family dinner table with appreciation, retire your gear and find another sport to embrace. The only acceptable option would be to donate the meat to a shelter.

Don’t put your hunting pants on backward

As a McClain — and a cancer survivor — hunting isn’t about trophy hunting, killing animals, hanging heads on the wall, waiting for the biggest buck in the woods, uncalculated shots with a firearm, shooting out of range because “it’s a monster buck,” shooting a dog-of-a-deer for lack of patience or cerebral intelligence, or staying up late drinking beers at camp waiting on the ace of spades.

If any of those are your reasons for hunting, what a damn sad shame. Continue reading more from Nicole McClain at deeranddeerhunting.com…..



