Please help stop an all kill fishing event on Moosehead Lake, Maine

Moosehead Lake Fisheries CoalitionHere is an open letter to Maine State official on the issue of  an all kill event targeting smallmouth bass. Dear Senator Diamond, Rep. Corey and Rep. Bryant, I want to bring your attention to an event that is happening on Moosehead Lake June 14th. It is a fishing derby, with the direct goal of killing a Maine resource, a fishing resource. Here is a link to the page promoting the event: and I have attached the flyer that is and has been distributed throughout the Moosehead Region.

It is very clear that brook trout fishing is the darling of the Maine fishery and I have no issue with this. If fact I wouldn’t change it. I am a dad, angler, outdoor educator and outdoorsmen. I believe in protecting all our resources, especially the ones that help promote our economy, Maine fishing heritage and provide our children with a sustainable/clean/safe activity for them to enjoy. This event goes against all I believe and promote. It goes against Maine and our heritage.

The three species in question are white perch, yellow perch and smallmouth bass. All of these species are NOT originally found in Moosehead Lake. But, they are there now. The trout in the lake (Brook and Lake/Togue) are there and also provide fishing opportunities for all anglers. But, any wise angler knows that trout are harder to catch than perch and bass. If you want to pass on the fishing heritage and get/keep children to fish, provide them with a better chance when they start. Bass and perch provide these opportunities. What message does it send to our children when a fishing event promotes killing a species of fish, that has little or no affect on indigenous species, that also brings a positive to a fishery?

Maine is known worldwide for our brook trout fishing opportunities. But, did you know that Moosehead Lake is a hidden secret among bass anglers. Moosehead harbors some of the best smallmouth bass fishing in the Northeast, outside the Great lakes and arguably is the best smallmouth bass fishery in Maine. Why would we kill such a wonderful fishery.

Please research this issue on your own and call on the Maine State Inland Fisheries and Wildlife, Commissioner Chandler E. Woodcock and Fisheries Division Director Michael Brown to stop this event from occurring and change the way the State of Maine sees and values the full fisheries resource in Moosehead Lake?

Email: Maine State Inland Fisheries and Wildlife, Commissioner Chandler E. Woodcock –

Email: Fisheries Division Director Michael Brown –

Here is a link to the Facebook page carrying the current and ongoing public conversation on the subject:


William Schwarz

ODU Media
