Our Philosophy

Recycled Fish Logo“Limit Your Catch – Don’t Catch Your Limit!” It’s a “catch phrase” that’s “caught on.” When Recycled Fish started back in 2004, spreading the word on Catch and Release and Selective Harvest was our primary message. It’s bigger than that now. Today, we’re a national movement of fisherman who live a lifestyle of stewardship on and off the water. We’re doing stuff like putting in low flow shower heads and changing how we care for our lawns, because that stuff matters to fisheries as much or more than catch and release. Or it should be said, “Catch and Release alone won’t solve the problems facing our fisheries.” If we want more and bigger fish in our waters, now and for our kids, a lifestyle of stewardship is what it’s going to take, because our Lifestyle Runs Downstream.

Recycled Fish is leading the charge on a Lifestyle of Stewardship among people who love to fish.
