OR Standoff

backcountryhunters dot org logoBy now I’m sure you have heard about the debacle at the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge just south of Burns, OR. While the occupation is troubling, we are more worried about what they are espousing. Politicians are denouncing the Bundy’s actions, but not the rhetoric to sell/transfer public lands; this includes main stream presidential candidates.

This is scary stuff, but we aren’t on the sidelines.  We jumped on this issue early and were the first sportsmen’s organization to weigh in through our press release. BHA National Co-Chair Ben Long wrote articles for a DC based publication and Outdoor Life. Rich Landers, recipient of our Ted Trueblood award at last year’s Rendezvous weighed in through the Spokesman Review.

What I’m most proud of though, is some good ol’  fashioned boots on the ground grassroots activism captured in this video:
A huge shout out to Ed Putnam, Mark Heckert, and Brian Jennings for their efforts.  In a tense situation you stepped up and did what only others talk about.  You are BHA.  Through the power of social media the video has already been watched by 75k and counting!  Theodore Roosevelt is beaming! 
The fight to wrest our public lands from public hands isn’t over, but on this day, we took it to them!
Onward and upward,
To help us keep up the fight…donate here
 Backcountry Hunters & Anglers is the sportsmen’s voice 
for our wild public lands, waters and wildlife. 
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