NRA-ILA Daily Alert

NRA - ILA 100District of Columbia: City Council to Consider “License to Carry a Pistol Amendment Act of 2014” Tomorrow Tomorrow, October 16, at 10:30 a.m., the DC City Council will hold a public hearing to consider Bill 20-930, the “License to Carry a Pistol Amendment Act of 2014.”  Despite sounding like a step in the right direction, this act’s name is deceptive.  Its language is rife with bureaucratic hurdles, including long mandatory training requirements, as well as requiring applicants to undergo the already restrictive and burdensome process of registering a firearm in the District. READ MORE

Charles C. W. Cooke: Another Brazen Lie from Moms Demand Action Once again, Mom’s Demand Action was caught in a lie. A recent Facebook post from the group shows a blatantly false meme intended to increase support for background checks.READ MORE

Pennsylvania: In the Final Hours of the 2014 Legislative Session, the Fight for Firearms Preemption Legislation Continues Unfortunately last night, a vote on state Senator Rich Alloway’s (R-33) preemption amendment was derailed on the Senate floor.  Attempts will be made again today to amend critical firearms preemption legislation into House Bill 1796, and it is critical that you continue to contact your state Senator IMMEDIATELY and urge him or her to vote for the Alloway amendment.  We are down to the final hours of the 2014 legislative session, and your action now could make the difference in achieving what the NRA has been seeking to pass for the past four years!READ MORE

Washington measure to increase gun background checks bleeds support A ballot initiative that would require background checks on all firearm purchases in Washington state, including sales at gun shows and online, has support from a majority of voters — but that majority is shrinking.READ MORE

Washington: NRA donates $150K more in fight against I-594 The National Rifle Association has donated an additional $150,000 to its political action committee in Washington to fight a measure seeking universal background checks on gun sales and transfers. READ MORE

Illinois Gov. Pat Quinn to advocate for semi-auto ban Illinois Gov. Pat Quinn is drawing on the support of families of mass-shooting victims to highlight the issue of gun control and assault weapons in his re-election bid against Republican challenger Bruce Rauner. READ MORE

