Night Fishing Tips

Donald Gasaway BlogRegardless of the species sought, catching fish at night takes some changes in tactics as well as special care for safety.  If you have the energy to stay up late you just might find some of the best angling of your life. The first quarter moon phase seems to be a good time to go fishing.  There is something about this first night light that tells fish to feed, feed and feed.  Shy daytime fish seem to become awesome predators in the dimness of darkness.  Some anglers believe that warm water temperatures raise the fish’s metabolism requiring it to eat more.

Clear water conditions are a plus.  Water temperatures cool at night.  Fish are more active in warmer water but oxygen depletion in the hot water becomes a factor.  The dissolved oxygen levels peak toward the end of day, making fish more active.

The night makes forage fish more active.  The free-roaming bait fish move to the surface to feed on micro-organisms that seek the fading light.  The swarm of insects that emerge at night and rest on the surface also draws small fish.  This creates a smorgasbord for the predator species.  For the efficient predator fish the cooler water of nighttime is less stressful and food is easier to find.

Night feeding fish take just about any bait one can use during the day light hours.  However, fishing those baits can be a bit of a challenge.

During the day, one can see the underwater structure and weed beds.  At night one has to rely on feel to find those same locations.  The angler must try to imagine the shape and size of every piece of structure on the bottom by the way it feels when the lure strikes it.  Total concentration is important.

When one can tell the difference between a stump and brush, between weeds and wood, and exactly what size rocks the lure is hitting, he is a night fisherman.

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