Maybe I’ll Become an Eagle Scout!

Anglers Of ConservationI scrambled to catch James Savage’s phone call; he told me that his middle son Dean, an avid angling aficionado, is working on a Boy Scout merit badge. Over the past few years, Dean has accumulated an impressive number of AFC volunteer hours and it was time for him to cash in to get some help in earning his Life Scout Rank.

Before we hung up, his Dad added “maybe Dean will reach Eagle Scout.”

See, Dean’s a free spirit; I empathize with him. Like most parents with these type kids, his father is compelled to lend a helping hand, or follow up for Dean so the ball doesn’t get dropped. But Dean has matured incredibly over the past couple of years. His voice has deepened, he’s taller than his Mom and Dad, he goes to adult education classes at night and works during the day. He is packing his quiver of life skills to the brim.

Dean called minutes after I hung up with his Dad. His approach sounds more like his Dad’s each time I’m on the phone with him. He’s was looking for me to send him volunteer hours verification via email, and his last words were “maybe I’ll become an Eagle Scout!”

James and Dean Savage, who fished with Captain Pete Deeks, caught this winner of a trout near Fort Pierce.

I recalled the time, just two years ago, when Dean’s Dad and I were talking about whether his son was going to stick it out with the Boy Scouts and school. It was touch and go for a while there, but since then Dean has taken an about face, and he gives his AFC volunteer work partial credit for his turnaround.   

It’s the rewarding times like this that help us realize our involvement with the Anglers for Conservation is a priceless thing. It’s a gift we cannot purchase at any price, but can share with anyone who is willing to take the leap.

This is the time of year when the AFC has its annual board meeting, and when we recognize the current AFC board members for their support and dedication. Without their special commitment, the AFC would fall short on reaching our goals and fulfilling our mission statement. Without our board members we would not be there for the Deans in the crowd.

Thank you to all AFC board members!

Best Regards,
Rodney Smith, President
Anglers for Conservation