Make Quick, Realistic Deer Sounds

Make Quick, Realistic Deer Sounds 2Flextone Game Calls, the industry leader in natural sounding game calls, introduces the new Headhunter’s Extractor deer call to their 2015 hunting assortment. The new Extractor deer call system makes virtually all the sounds today’s whitetails want to hear.

With its new call selector design “X-Glide”, simply slide the button to the desired sound you want. No more fumbling with changing O-rings or pressing down at the wrong place and getting undesired deer sounds. The Extractor perfectly makes exact mature buck grunts, young buck grunts, doe grunts, doe bleats or fawn bawls every time.

Not only does the Extractor have an attractive antler texture around the mouthpiece, but it also sports a super loud snort-wheeze chamber for when you need to get aggressive with a dominate buck to pull him within range. The Extractor offers an added bonus through the famous “Flextone Technology” material design. Its molded throat tube is flexible enough to not only offer realistic tones, but also add inflection. No deer makes cookie-cutter sounds, so why should you? Simply squeeze the corrugated hose to change tone and add inflection to any call you throw at your trophy buck.

Make Quick, Realistic Deer Sounds 1 

For hardcore whitetail hunters who endure frigid temperatures, the Extractor’s Freeze-Free design keeps you hunting all day. Simply slide the X-Glide button back and forth a few times to rid the Extractor of any ice build-up on your reed.

The Flextone Headhunter’s Extractor will meet all your deer calling needs with instant, reliable deer sounds that can endure anything Mother Nature throws at you.

Headhunter’s Extractor Features:

  • X-Glide button, slides for instant and reliable buck, doe or fawn sounds.
  • Freeze-Free design quickly eliminates reeds from sticking.
  • Super loud snort wheeze chamber for aggressive calling.
  • Flexible throat tube for instant inflection and tones.

For more information on the Headhunter’s Extractor deer call by Flextone Game Calls, go to

Flextone© Game Calls are designed to more accurately mimic the anatomy of a game animal by using both hard and soft flexible parts. They incorporated a hard plastic or metal tone-board with reed to imitate the soft tissue chambers of the neck and mouth of an animal. The design produces a truer, more natural sound as well as giving the user more control of volume, tone, and inflection just like the animals they were designed to imitate. The design is also nearly silent if accidentally contacting your gun or bow while in the field. Flextone© now has a full line of deer, elk, predator, turkey, and waterfowl calls using this patented technology.
