Louisiana Anglers Organize to Fight for Access

Activist Angler LogoA battle is heating up once again in the cultural and legal swamp of controversy regarding who owns and who has access to the canals and backwaters of southern Louisiana. What may be different this time is that bass anglers seem intent on organizing on behalf of public access. They’ve created an organization, Louisiana Sportsmen Coalition, and a petition that garnered more than a 1,000 signatures before it was even written. And they intend to pursue a state legislative fix to this complex problem, as well as national support from fishermen and anglers’ advocacy groups.

“We want to make sure that we’re organized and have clearly defined what we want,” said Sean Robbins, president of the Lake Verret Bass club. “We want to do this right so people will take us seriously.” Continue reading – http://www.activistangler.com/?SSScrollPosition=0
