Kansas: State House Approves Bill to Prevent Taxpayer Dollars from Funding Gun Control Advocacy, Goes to the Governor for his Approval

NRA-ILAToday, the Kansas House of Representatives approved an important pro-gun reform by an 83 to 28 vote, with 14 members not present.  House Bill 2162, which was recently amended to include language from the NRA-supported Senate Bill 45, passed in the Kansas Senate by a 31 to 6 vote last week and is now eligible for Governor Sam Brownback’s approval. READ MORE

Wisconsin: Assembly Committee to Hear NRA-Backed Hunting Reform Tomorrow

Tomorrow at 9:00 a.m., the Assembly Natural Resources and Sporting Heritage Committee is scheduled to hear a bill of importance to sportsmen and hunters in the Badger State.  Assembly Bill 194, sponsored by state Representative Mary Czaja (R-35), would allow all hunters the opportunity to use a crossbow during the big game archery season.  This bill would help increase hunter participation and preserve Wisconsin’s rich hunting heritage.


New Hampshire: State Senate Scheduled to Consider Shurtleff Criminal Protection Bill this Thursday

In March, the New Hampshire House of Representatives undermined your inherent right to self-defense by passing the Shurtleff Criminal Protection Bill, House Bill 135, by a 189-184 vote.  The state Senate is scheduled to consider HB 135 and decide the fate of this misguided proposal this Thursday.  If passed and enacted into law, HB 135 would repeal important self-defense provisions enacted in 2011 and make the following changes to New Hampshire’s current self-defense laws:


New York: Sheriffs say Cuomo tried to quiet criticism of gun law

The sheriffs thought they were being summoned to the Capitol to discuss ideas for changes to New York’s gun control law, the SAFE Act. Instead, Gov. Andrew Cuomo told them to keep quiet.


IG report says U.S. Attorney sought to undermine credibility of Fast and Furious whistleblower

Senator Chuck Grassley, Ranking Member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, made the following statement after an Office of Inspector General Report showed that U.S. Attorney Dennis Burke leaked a sensitive document to the press regarding a whistleblower who had come forward with allegations of gunwalking, that he leaked an internal memo regarding Fast and Furious suspect Jaime Avila to the New York Times, and that he lied to Deputy Attorney General James Cole. The document leaked to Fox News was deemed so sensitive by the Justice Department that it was not provided to Congress, except in a secured room at department headquarters.”The Inspector General outlined the Justice Department’s efforts to undermine Special Agent Dodson’s credibility, the whistleblower who had the guts to come forward and tell Congress the truth about Operation Fast and Furious. The Inspector General confirmed that Mr. Burke went to great lengths to discredit Special Agent Dodson and Congress investigation into the gunwalking that led to the death of Customs and Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry. Mr. Burke’s refusal to cooperate with the Inspector General’s investigation shows me that he didn t operate in good faith. His actions are indicative of this administration’s willingness to attack whistleblowers who cooperate with Congress and show the administration’s commitment to undermine legitimate congressional oversight.


LaPierre: Making our nation’s school children safer

To understand the current state of the gun ban crowd’s “conversation” about destroying the Second Amendment, it boils down to this: insanity versus sanity.With the horrific series of mass murders culminating in the cold blooded killing of children and teachers at the Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn., last December, this latest iteration of “gun control” is entirely directed at making the sane pay the price for unthinkable acts committed by the insane. It is the root of the civil disarmament movement in America today.


Illinois: Senate panel OKs magazine ban

The bill considered Monday would limit the sale or delivery of a gun magazine to no more than 10 bullets. It advanced 12-3 but faces an uncertain fate in the full Senate amid the objections of gun manufacturers and the National Rifle Association.


Alabama: Gun bill goes to Gov. Bentley

The Alabama House on Monday gave final approval to a gun bill that makes transporting weapons easier and allows owners with concealed carry pistol permits to keep firearms in their vehicles at work. It also changes concealed carry permitting and clarifies where Alabamians legally can carry their pistols.Gov. Robert Bentley said Monday afternoon he needed to review the bill, but planned to sign it. Assuming he does, it will go into effect Sept. 1.


Texas: House approves gun training for some teachers

The Texas House late Monday approved a plan to train some teachers who are already licensed to carry firearms for gunfights that could erupt in their classrooms.


Appeals court upholds Right-to-Carry restriction on 18-20-year-olds

A federal appeals court has upheld a Texas law that says 18 20 year olds cannot receive a concealed handgun license.The 5th Circuit Court of Appeals ruled Monday that the Texas law limiting handgun licenses is constitutional. Lawmakers had decided that those under 21 were not mature enough to carry concealed handguns in public. The law makes an exception for members of the military.


Illinois: Anti Self-Defense Amendment to be Considered in Senate as Early as Tomorrow

Today, in another attempt to further disarm the law-abiding residents in Illinois, an amendment offered by state Senator Dan Kotowski (D-28) to Senate Bill 1002, was heard by the Senate Executive Committee.  Amendment 2 to SB1002 would limit the sale and transfer of all standard capacity magazines.  Rather than addressing criminals engaging in gang violence, Chicago politicians want to limit the ability of law-abiding gun owners to defend themselves against those criminals.

