James Schmid’s Cutthroat Trout

cutthroat trout IGFA RECORD 2IGFA reported this monster. Pyramid Lake, located in Nevada, USA, is home to some of the best cutthroat trout (Oncorhynchus clarki) fishing in the world – easily confirmed by a look at the current records. Angler James Schmid recently took advantage of this great fishery, by landing the potential new men’s 6 kg (12 lb) tippet class world record. Schmid was fishing Pyramid Lake on November 14th and needed 20 minutes to land the 6.8 kg (15 lb) trout after it ate the bead head fly he was casting. Once landed, the fish was quickly documented and released alive. The current world record is 5.02 kg (11 lb 1 oz).

 cutthroat trout IGFA RECORD
