Ice Team Tip: Fish Fry to Fish Fry

Scott Brauer 1Ice Team Pro, Scott Brauer, goes into detail on how studying the prey/forage of a fish can make you a better ice angler…  “When a mommy bluegill and a daddy blue gill love each other very much they will have babies as many as three or four times each year. Even though they love their babies, this does not stop them or their neighbors from eating them. In fact almost any of us who clean fish and look for predator cues inside of their bellies and mouths, find small bluegills from a half-inch to 1 inch in almost every species that swims. So… it makes perfect sense that we would, from time to time throughout the ice year, use a small imitation bluegill fry to match the hatch…” Read the entire tip and ask questions of the Ice Team Pros right here… CLICK HERE

