HSUS’s Lawsuit to Silence IF&W

maine inland fisheries and wildlife logoFinal arguments were heard in the appeal of the HSUS lawsuit on February 10th. We now have to wait for the court’s decision that could take up to two months to receive. The original lawsuit was intended to keep personnel from IF&W from providing information on the referendum question. The lawsuit was dismissed but has been kept alive by two appeals from HSUS. If the court again rules in our favor, the Department will be able to legally speak on any future referendums that involve our fish and wildlife resources. This and the recent legislation will ensure that our expert biologists will continue to educate the public on all management issues. When we learn of the court’s ruling, we will be sure to let all of you know on social media and in our newsletter. 

For more information on the court hearing itself, please see the following links:
Bangor Daily News
Georges Outdoor News
