Hog Wild in the Delta

Hog Wild in the DeltaI got into position a good two hours before dark, and set up on a small, wooded hill a few hundred yards off a newly-planted corn field. I was hog hunting in Yazoo County, Mississippi, this past April, in the middle of the Mississippi Delta, a region of the state famed for its rich, black earth and abundant agriculture. And more recently, tactical hog hunting.

McCombie SHWAT Mississippi HuntIt’s the scene of a huge population explosion–of hogs. While there, I also discovered a growing number of hunters who’ve decided that the tactical approach is one way to tackle their hog problem.

My vantage point on the hill put me smack in the middle of a jungle. Thick, knee-high vegetation. Tree branches above blocked the sunlight and made it gloomy. Huge vines hung down from those same branches.

To my left and below me lay a small creek. The creek wound around to the front of the hill, but at one point a small gully cut off to one side and led to the field. Through my rifle’s scope, I could see the gully’s muddy bottom torn up with tracks; clearly, hogs were using this as an entry into the field. Read more….
