Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving 2015 2 What a special day. Hunters are in the woods trying to fill a tag. Families are starting to wake up to prepare a giant dinner. Football fans are in a hurry to gather all the needed snacks for an all day football/cable TV bonanza. College kids are running home to see mom and dad. Other families are rushing around packing fixins to make sure they have a dish to pass at the late day dinner.

Happy Thanksgiving 2015 1

45 million families are traveling to spend time with more family. What privileges we have as Americans. What freedoms we have as Americans. Aren’t we lucky?

On this day, I ask you to remember that all we have comes from the protection granted to us by the worlds strongest armed force. We have men and women in harm’s way everyday and they give this up for us!

Thank you to all of the United States men and women of the Army, Navy, Marines, Air Force and Coast Guard that are and have served to keep us safe. You are in my thoughts, not just on Thanksgiving, but everyday. I pray you all stay safe. To the commanders in the field with these brave men and women, guide them well. Please remember all them at your prayers and thoughts at dinner today. They deserve it.

Happy Thanksgiving

Publisher of ODU Magazine

William Schwarz
