Giant Majestic Taimen

igfa logoIGFA: Russian angler Yuri Orlov potentially set the new men’s 2 kg (4 lb) line class record for the majestic taimen (Hucho taimen) while fishing Russia’s Arui River on May 24th. Orlov was casting a shallow diving Yo-Zuri plug when the 9.41 kg (20 lb 12 oz) hit. After a 35 minute fight on ultra-light tackle, Orlov was finally able to subdue the fish,

which was quickly documented and released alive. The current men’s 2 kg (4 lb) line class record stands at 3.81 kg (8 lb 6 oz).

Giant Majestic Taimen

The International Game Fish Association is a not-for-profit organization committed to the conservation of game fish and the promotion of responsible, ethical angling practices through science, education, rule making and record keeping.
