Feline Versus Canine

Coyote vs cougarWhen it comes to the ‘norm’ for hunters, there is a quartet of creatures that are hunted in the United States. These are considered predators across the country, and although the coyote, fox and raccoon can be somewhat interesting to take on, it’s the bobcat that remains at the top of the hunter’s ‘trophy’ list. In the east, there are many homeowners who have seen the bobcat prowling in the woods, and are always on the lookout in order to protect their most valued winter prey, the whitetail.

When looking at the canine versus the feline on this predator’s list, the coyote is referred to as vermin by hunters. That’s basically index.1because they need killing, and hunters want to save the rabbit and the fox because coyote have thinned out the population of both. In fact, when it comes to the red fox, the U.S. has seen a dramatic drop in numbers because of the devastation done by coyotes is less than five years.

But the coyote, certainly in the east, is not the most sought-after predator. The bobcat is still considered to be as much a trophy as the whitetail is, and most hunters who are lucky enough to bag and tag one make sure the particular trophy is mounted as soon as possible.

This is not your normal feline. In fact, the bobcat is considered to be a magnificent creature. Just think; you’re talking about a predator that owns the perfect motion of a wolf, the muscle tone of a tiger, and a host of stalking tactics that bring down whatever they want whenever they want.

The bobcat is also much more clever than the coyote. Whereas a coyote will, 9 times out of 10, appear when the hunter offers a call, the bobcat requires far more time and patience. And their hunting and bedding locations are a challenge to hunters.

When it comes to the Eastern Bobcat, hunters have to enter swamps, extremely dense forests and even rock outcroppings in order to be within the bobcat’s territory. Hanging out around water is something the bobcat will do – especially when hungry and not able to find what their mouth is watering for. In other words, the bobcat will eat carrion, but they truly want that meat morsel at all times.

Having the sense to hide their kill and plan for the future, the bobcat will cover the remains with leaves after they’re all done with it; that way, if they have downtimes and can’t find food they can always return.
