Dunkin Worms For Trout

Donald Gasaway BlogSpring catchable trout programs allow anglers catch these denizens of the cold water often not normally available the rest of the year. Rainbow trout live in water that remains below 72-degrees and within 4 feet of the surface.  They can survive in spring-fed lakes and ponds.  Baring these conditions, they stocked in colder waters surviving until late spring.

This aggressive eater is fed supplementally with the use of commercial fish food at the hatchery prior to being introduced our waters.  Once at the site location they are known to take a variety of bait, artificial and natural.

In the first few days of survival in the stocked ponds, trout can be caught using just about anything as bait.  In-line spinners, marshmallows and even Velveeta cheese spread placed on a very small hook will do the job.  The hook is suspended beneath a bobber about 18 inches deep.

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After a few days it is advisable to switch to live bait.  Rainbow trout have about 2,500 taste buds.  That compares with about 9,000 in you and me.  Trout are known to be one of the least selective feeders.  But, they soon turn to only baits that contain tastes commonly found in living tissue.

They seek out live baits such as mealworms, red worms, maggots, minnows and nightcrawlers.  One bait popular with anglers is a one-inch piece of nightcrawler threaded on a number 10 hook.  This bait is suspended beneath a slip bobber about 18-inches down.  Fresh from the hatchery, a trout feeds in the top 1-2 feet of water.  Later they become bottom dwellers but will come up to eat. Continue reading….
