Ditching the Pistons for Pedals

People may think that being an Elite-level bass fisherman is easy. They fish for a living, right? That, however, couldn’t be further from the truth. Doing what it takes to fish at this level requires a tremendous investment in time, energy and money, not to mention sacrifices on the home-front to be away for weeks on end. 

Old Town pro Keith Combs is one of those guys, spending months on the road traveling the BASSMASTER Elite Series circuit. But just this past winter, before the tournament trail reared its ugly head, Keith jumped at the chance to fish legendary Grosse Savanne Lodge in Lake Charles, Louisiana out of an Old Town Predator PDL

“Fishing out of a kayak reinforces things like the importance of stealth and making the most out of the water you have available,” said Keith. “Fishing out of a kayak definitely does those things.”

Take a short pedal with Keith and see why bass anglers nationwide are taking to kayak fishing.
