Decoys Ducks and Geese

Decoys Ducks and GeeseHuntable water comes in two categories: open water and ponds. This allows us to have a plan for water wherever our hunt is to take place whether or not it is a place you have been there previously. A basic set up in a pond situation consists of two bunches of decoys, separated by about 20 to 30 yards.

Set them up with the wind quartering over either shoulder of the hunter. Try to avoid dead away or sideways and never with the wind toward your position.

Unless the wind is going away, the result will be that you will spend most of the time pass shooting. The theory is that birds will land in the gap between the decoys.

Prepare for mallards that are notorious for landing at the edge of a set. With two sets of decoys you effectively establish three landing areas. The idea is to position birds for a shot as opposed to giving them a landing area. Hunters need to know exactly where ducks are going to land.

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