Dallas Safari Club Objects to USFWS Order 219

Dallas Safari Club Objects to USFWS Order 219For his last hurrah before departing office, outgoing U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) Director Daniel Ashe released USFWS Director’s Order 219, expanding the use of nontoxic ammunition and fishing tackle. Dallas Safari Club (DSC) objects to the Order, and condemns the decision as it targets our hunting and fishing heritage.

“This action flies squarely in the face of a long and constructive tradition of states working in partnership with the Service to effectively manage fish and wildlife resources,” stated Nick Wiley, president of the Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies. “The Association views this Order as a breach of trust and deeply disappointing.”
“We agree wholeheartedly with Mr. Wiley and consider the surprising, last minute actions of Mr. Ashe to be totally politically motivated,” said Ben Carter, Dallas Safari Club (https://www.biggame.org/) executive director. “We will implore the new administration to swiftly abolish Order 219 and return to joint decision making based on scientific merit.”
DSC will appeal to the new leadership at the Service and support the states’ joint jurisdiction and control of wildlife management.
Since 1972, Dallas Safari Club has been the gathering point for hunters, conservationists and wildlife enthusiasts. An international organization, we offer members a world of options: Annual conventions and expositions, Annual sporting clay events, Monthly meetings and other member activities, World class publications and a Grant in aid program that contributes millions of dollars each year to programs and projects promoting our mission to conserve wildlife and wilderness lands, to educate youth and the general public and to promote and protect the rights and interests of hunters worldwide.