Care Products For Hunters

Nose JammerFairchase Products, manufacturer of Nose Jammer, the leader in olfactory gland “jamming” technology, introduces two new personal care products designed to help you when hunting afield this season. Nose Jammer Face & Body Lotion, will help prevent your skin from drying out from the harsh sunlight and wind which commonly occurs when hunting season comes blowing in from the north. The Face & Body Lotion contains no harsh chemicals – no sulfates, parabens, or dyes which dry out skin. Like all Nose Jammer products, the Face & Body Lotion contains compounds which are emitted from trees and shrubs found in the woods you hunt. The unique formula overpowers big game animal’s sense of smell, disabling an animal’s ability to detect and track human scent. The non-greasy Face & Body Lotion is thick and creamy and absorbs quickly into your skin. MSRP on the 5 oz. tube is $5.99 Also new in the Nose Jammer product line is their Field Wipe. The convenience of the Field Wipe makes it perfect for your gear pack or pocket, and utilizes the same unique nose-jamming formula found in all Nose Jammer products. Use the Field Wipe to wipe down your bow, treestand, trail camera, face, body or hands making sure that everything you come into contact with does not compromise your hunt. Details on size, quantity and price are still being determined, but look for it beginning in January.

For more information on the complete line of Nose Jammer products, please visit
