Bote Rover Wins The ICAST Show

In order to make your mark on the world, you often have to make a voyage from the familiar into far off places where few have ventured or even dared. These journeys are necessary to discover our true selves and grow our knowledge of the world around us. We have developed a platform that will help you take that journey. A BOTE like no other, that will take you farther, faster than anything we have ever created.

Bote Rover Wins The ICAST Show 

Paddle First

Rover evolved from the most innovative paddle boards on the planet, and was designed as a paddle board first. It’s channeled, Deep-V nose design quietly slices through the water and paddles efficiently through a variety of water conditions.

Modular Rac System

Rover’s modular Rac Receiver System allow you to configure rover in a multitude of configurations by simply sliding the Rac of your choosing into the receiver in a matter of seconds. No tools required.

Bote Rover Wins The ICAST Show

Paddle to Power

It’s a stand up paddle board. It’s a microskiff. It’s everything in between. No matter what you call it, one thing’s for sure, it’s a BOTE. The Rover’s revolutionary modular Racs allow you to go from paddle to power in seconds.

Power Up

The Moto Rac is the core feature of the Rover. It is the single accessory that makes the leap from paddle to power. By simply inserting the Moto Rac into the integrated receivers, your rover is ready to ride. The Moto Rac is engineered with 2 rod holders and two 1 gallon Rotopax™ mounts.Bote Rover Wins The ICAST Show

Grab On!

A newly engineered feature for the Rover is the Grab Rac. Insert into any of the Rac Receivers to further enhance your adventure. Use it as support while running or as you move around the deck. Nylon molle loops are riveted to the marine grade aluminum risers to allow for multiple gear attachment points. The BVA foam hook caddy will keep your go-to flies and lures easily accessible.

ConnexSUP® Plugs

Connect all your accessories: cameras, straps, coolers, GPS, fish finders, smart phones, PFD’s, or whatever you can imagine with this simple solution that has reinvented the way we connect to our sport.

Installed throughout the Rover’s deck, the ConnexSUP plugs are inspired by the need for a simple solution to mounting an overwhelming number of accessories being offered in the marketplace. The system is made of ballistic strength reinforced injection molded polycarbonate and uses a universal base that hosts any number of attachments that allow you to fully customize your Rover and get the most out of your equipment.

Additional attachments may be purchased from Ram Mount® or Scotty®
