Page 7 - ODUDecemberWinter2019
P. 7

New Ice Fishing Anglers

   By Bob Jensen

   In the past several years, a

   number  of  anglers  have
   mentioned to me that they
   would  like  to  get  involved
   in ice-fishing.  We’ve talked
   about  what  it  takes  to  go
   ice-fishing and I’ve learned

   that  there  are  just  a  few
   things that need to be kept
   in  mind  if  someone  wants
   to try their hand at fishing
   through  a  hole  in  the  ice.
   Let’s  talk  about  some  of
   those things.

   First,  we  want  to  be
   comfortable.    Comfortable
   means  keeping  warm,  but
   not  too  warm.      And  it  is
   possible  to  get  too  warm
   when you go ice-fishing.  It
   works  well  to  drill  a  good

   number  of  holes  over  an
   area  because  some  fish  at
   times  will  school  very
   tightly.  Other fish at other
   times  are  spread  out.
   Having the option to move
   from  hole  to  hole  quickly
   and easily is good, and it’s

   also  good  to  drill  those
   holes  before  you  start
   fishing  and  drilling  several
   holes and walking between
   the  holes  can  make  a
   person too warm.  It works
   well  to  layer  clothing  so
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