Page 15 - ODUDecemberWinter2019
P. 15

Ice Plastics

                                                                                   Closer and

                                                                                Closer to the

                                                                                   Real Thing

                                                                                                         By Joel Nelson

                                                                              My  first  experience  with  ice-bait  of
                                                                              any  kind  wasn’t  a  wax-worm,  euro-
                                                                              larvae, or or silver wiggler, it was with
                                                                              a  humble  goldenrod  grub.       Each  fall

                                                                              we’d  collect  goldenrod  bulbs  in  a
                                                                              cardboard box from around the farm,
                                                                              then sit in the basement and pry them
                                                                              apart.    Holes  in  the  bulb  would
                                                                              indicate  the  grub  had  left,  but  an
                                                                              intact pod would be split just up until
                                                                              the center.  After which, you’d extract

                                                                              the  tiny  white  grub  from  the  center
                                                                              and put it in small jars with corn meal.
                                                                              It  was  free  and  plentiful  but  took
                                                                              some time to pull those little buggers
                                                                              out.    It  also  led  to  a  few  scars  and
                                                                              plenty  of  frustration,  though  the
                                                                              panfish certainly appreciated them.

                                                                              Fast forward a decade or more, and I
   began to fall in love with plastics for ice.  Anything with a flicker tail could be threaded on your favorite
   jig with the greatest amount of customization.  I had color, shape, length, and rigging choices galore to
   fully experiment with, day-in and day-out.  Ice plastics made me a better angler then, as I was able to
   spend  more  time  fishing,  less  time  re-baiting,  and  ultimately  learn  to  fine-tune  a  presentation  with
   utmost detail.  You could adjust the angle of the plastic, rigging backwards, curling it up to cover the

   hookpoint; whatever the situation needed, you had a way to mimic or stand-out.

   Now, as plastics designs have moved forward, we’ve gone much further than adjusting shapes, colors,
   and sizes.  Attractants “baked-in” to the design of these plastics are all the rage, though simple scents
   have been a part of the plastics routine from day-one.  Anise scent is commonly used in a variety of soft
   plastics, but the new breed is going as far as making them out of actual organic materials.  You guessed
   it, fish food for lack of a better term.  That said, you may see them expressed as “fish proteins,”
   “amino acids,” and even “donkey-sauce.”  All of which would seem like a good thing to both
   entice fish into biting, but also keeping them on the tasting menu.
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