Spring Issue of Gulf Fishery News Available

Gulf CouncilThe latest issue of the Gulf of Mexico Fishery Management Council’s newsletter is now available. Topics include red snapper harvest limits, electronic monitoring and reporting, advisory panel openings, and information on upcoming meetings and opportunities for public input.

Lately, much of the buzz about red snapper management has been less than positive. With sector separation, ever shortening seasons, and allocation on the roster, it’s easy to overlook the good news.

Here it is: The red snapper stock is getting healthier every year; fishermen, scientists, and managers alike know it, and when that happens, harvest limits can be raised. In January, the Council’s scientific advisors (the Scientific and Statistical Committee) met to review a red snapper update stock assessment. Although the assessment was completed before 2014 landings data were available, results of the assessment suggest good news. The Council could increase allowable harvest by two million pounds for 2015 and beyond. An increase from 11,000,000 pounds to 13,000,000 pounds would bring the allowable harvest to its highest level in history. Link – http://gulfcouncil.org/news_resources/Newsletters/NEWSLTR_Spring_2015.pdf
